Type of school
We are a school that is organized according to the principle of (collective) home education. We are not recognized as a regular school and therefore do not receive any subsidies. You can best compare us to an autonomous private school.
We teach children from 2.5 to 12 years.
In the future we would also like to offer secondary education, where we as a school grow with the children.
We are a multilingual school.
The main language is Dutch, but part of the lessons will be in English. In addition, we also offer specific French lessons, starting from kindergarten.
The children are allowed to talk in the language of their choice during the breaks.
Eegalstraat 30 in 8570 Anzegem.
Daily schedule
We start every school day with a joint morning worship, after which the children go to their own teacher.
Ideally, 1 teacher is provided for kindergarten and 1 teacher for the primary school children.
Additional or different teachers are provided for the practical subjects. Primary school children will mainly receive theoretical lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, mainly practical lessons are scheduled.
The preschoolers will receive shorter blocks of classroom instruction and will link up with the primary school children for some practical lessons.
The playing times are together.
We start at 09:00 and finish at 16:00 from Monday through Thursday. Friday is preparation day therefore no school but some home-work.
Lesson plan and learning content
We will offer French and English lessons from kindergarten.
We will partly work with an English-language program from the CEE (Christian Education for Europe) and partly with learning methods from Dutch-language publishers for world orientation, writing, mathematics and the Dutch language.
We focus on level learning and independent learning.
The practical subjects will be (not exclusive): gardening, healthy cooking, cleaning, woodworking, sports, making clothes, music,...
We ask for school fees; 150 euros per child, per month, with an extra for the books, which fluctuates between 0 and 80 euros per month. Swimming lessons and additional equipment will also be charged.
For people who cannot afford this, we look at what is possible.
The children bring their own lunch and we ask that you keep in mind that we want to keep everything at school vegetarian/vegan.
No drinking is allowed during lunch, so as not to disturb the digestion. Children are allowed to drink throughout the day during all classes, but not while eating.
We ask that your child only brings water with him/her. Water is still the best and healthiest thirst quencher. Herbal teas are also allowed.
At the moment we cannot provide bus transport.
If a number of children from the same region travel to our school every day, we will examine whether there is an option for organized transport, preferably via carpooling.
If you are interested in the school we would like to invite you for a personal meeting so that we can get to know each other better.